Category: consultancy

In Defence of the Freelance

Freelance Like many other independent workers I have a slight problem with the word freelance. It conjures up many things – A free spirit wandering through the corridors of the working world, picking up assignments wherever they fall A professional who craves the independence… Continue Reading “In Defence of the Freelance”

Ditch the Hard Sell, Be a People Person

I don’t believe in the hard sell. I believe in people. Take a look around the internet and often it feels like you are in one huge marketplace. People are screaming at you from all sides. “Buy what I have to sell” “Pick me,… Continue Reading “Ditch the Hard Sell, Be a People Person”

Content Consultancy for Business

Way back in March and May I penned a couple of blog posts about why businesses need editors. A lot of my other posts have also touched on the subject too, after all it’s not just publishers who should benefit. But recently it’s been… Continue Reading “Content Consultancy for Business”