Tag: Self-employment

Away Days are Good

When you are a home-based freelancer, sometimes you just have to get away. I don’t mean just to escape the drudgery of everyday life, we all need that… I mean get away, meet other people and get a bit of training in. It’s all… Continue Reading “Away Days are Good”

10 steps to productive working

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about things you should know before you turn freelance. Well this week it’s all about productive working once you are freelance. I’ll bet you’ll find some contradictions…but that’s just another part of being your own boss!… Continue Reading “10 steps to productive working”

The Typical Freelance Day

Ever wondered what a typical day looks like? For many freelancers it’s a day of juggling, work, networking and the *ahem* occasional coffee. Add in family commitments, and leisure activities and it can get pretty full-on. So I decided to draw you a picture instead… Continue Reading “The Typical Freelance Day”