Category: copy editing

Managing expectations when hiring a copyeditor or copywriter

Great Expectations, Miss Haversham

You’ve written the book. It’s taken blood, sweat and tears but you know if it’s going to be a success you need to send your book to an editor. Or you’ve built your business, but you know that to make the right impression you… Continue Reading “Managing expectations when hiring a copyeditor or copywriter”

Why does my business need a copyeditor?

A lot of businesses don’t feel the need for editors, because they don’t actually know what editors do.

Editing. Where does it fit within your business writing? Why does your business need it? Do you ever really think about the words your business uses? Are they chatty? Serious? Formal? Informal? Does your business thrive on hard facts or on emotions? It really… Continue Reading “Why does my business need a copyeditor?”

Is it better to hire an editor who lives locally?

Remember, there are thousands of trained editors out there

Over the years I’ve had a fair number of potential clients preferring to hire an editor who lives locally. Don’t worry, it’s not just me, it happens. This week I’ll look at why this isn’t necessarily a good idea. And why in some cases… Continue Reading “Is it better to hire an editor who lives locally?”