Tag: business

Do you have High IQ?

I don’t know about you but I like great customer service. I like to know that when I order a service, or buy a product, there is a person behind the product. Someone I can turn to if things go wrong (and let’s admit… Continue Reading “Do you have High IQ?”

Blog Day

It’s blog day Following on from last week’s 10 Steps to Successful Blogging I thought I’d get a little creative, and let you in on a secret. It’s true I do tend to have ideas stashed and I do also have articles stored up… Continue Reading “Blog Day”

Where’s the Free in Freelance?

If you happened upon a free lance in days of yore, you would be hiring a mercenary or running away from him and I don’t suppose either way you’d mess with him and his big pointy stick. These days a freelancer is still self-employed… Continue Reading “Where’s the Free in Freelance?”